The word
bios is refers to as livings and logic is as thinking of logical
way.Biology is a subject which is study of livings in logical way.
This diagrams will give you some ideas about it.
Biological diversity

•Life on earth for over 3.5 billion years
•30 million species of animals and plants in the world
•There is a dynamic relationship between the world of life and the inanimate world
body and functions
•Appreciate the organization of the human bod
•How systems within body are interconnected
•Structure is related to function
Management of natural resources and environment
•Natural resources are limited with the growth of human population
•There is a threat of depletion of natural resources
Destruction of ozone layer in the atmosphere
•Global warming increasing concentration of CO2

Acid rain
•Pollution of rivers and under ground water supplies leading to a dearth in drinking water in the future
Sustainable food production

•Three people are added to the world’s population each second
•The current human population of 6 billion is expected to double in less than 40 years
•Survival of man kind,sustainable food production is necessary
•Production of high yield varieties of plants and animals
•Development of disease resistant varieties
•Improved methods of post harvesting technology

and effects of diseases
are currently working on cures for diseases
–leading cause of death in some countries are not fully understood
•Aids - serious and growing health problems world wide
kill over 3 million people per year in undeveloped countries
•TB -
Tuberculosis (TB) is
an infection, primarily in the lungs (apeneumonia), caused by bacteria
called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
It is spread usually from person to person
by breathing infected air during close contact.
Living organisms show a wide range of variation .
Shape - Organisms are diverse in shape
Form - Uni cellular or multi cellular
Paramecium Euglena Amoeba
Blade length 10" to 15".Plants up to 200' or longer. This is our largest kelp; it can grow more than 18* a day. Vast forests grow off the coast of southern California. Algin is extracted from the kelp, then used in food products, drugs, and the processing of textiles, beer, paints, ice cream, and paper products.Kelp is a multi cellular protist
Characteristics of living organisms
Difference between livings and non livings
- Many non living entities may have one or more of these characteristics but not all of them.
- eg: Crystals grow , waves move
- Only
living organisms display all these characteristics simultaneously or at some
point during their life cycle