
Archaea – One of two prokaryotic domains

Aster – A radial array of short  microtubules  that extends  from each  centrosome  toward the plasma membrane  in a cell undergoing  mitosis 

Bacreria – One of two prokaryotic domain

Cell – Life’s fundamental unit  of structure and function

Cell wall – A protective layer external to the plasma membrane in plant cells, prokaryotes ,fungi and some protists . In plant cells , the wall is formed of cellulose fibers embedded in a polysaccharide – protein  matrix. The primary wall is thin and flexible ,whereas  the secondary cell wall is  stronger and more rigid and is the  primary constituents  of wood

Central vaccuole -  A membrane sac in amature  plant cell with  diverse roles  reproduction , growth and development

Centriole -  structure is an animal cell  composed of cylinders  of microtubule triplets  arranged in a 9+0 pattern. An animal cell  usually has a pair of  centrioles  in cell division.

Centromere – The centralized region joining two sister chromatids

Centrosome – Material present  in the cytoplasm  of all  eukaryotic cells , important during  cell division : the microtubule organizing center

Chromatin  - The complex of  DNA and  proteins that makes up  a eukaryotic  chromosome. When  the cell is not dividing , chromatin exists as  a mass  of very long, thin fibers  that are not  visible with  a light microscope

Chromosome – A thread like gene – carrying structure  found in the nucleus . Each chromosome  consists of one very long DNA molecule and  associated  proteins.

Cilium – (cilia-p)  A short cellular appendage   specialized for locomotion , formed from a core of nine outer doublet microtubules  and two inner single microtubules ensheathed in an extension  of plasma membrane.

Cytoplasm – The entire contents of  the cell , exclusive of the nucleus , and  bounded by  the plasma membrane

Cytosol – The semi fluid  portion  of the cytoplasm

Cytoplasmic streaming – A circular flow  of cytoplasm , involning  myosin and actin  filaments  that speeds the distribution  of materials within cells

Cytoskeleton – A network of microtubules  microfilaments and intermediate filaments  that branch throughout the cytoplasm and serve a variety of mechanical and transport functions

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